Allow wordpress Role (Author and Contributor) to post article for knowledge base

This support request was posted in Flatbase by jefrz22

Request ID #6592 In Progress
  • Hi,

    First I would like to say that this theme is really beautiful and functional and really worth the money.

    I just have a questions:

    1. The articles for the knowledge base is only visible to the admin user. Is there anyway that other user roles such as Author and contributor can post an article for knowledge base? Only the “Post” is available for them but it is for the blog and not for the Knowledge base.

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for your kind words 🙂 We really appreciate it.

    At the moment the custom post type for articles is generated with the default capabilities for the type of content (page).

    This can be resolved with a plugin like this one:


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