Appointment Enquiry Form

This support request was posted in Paeon by seerclean

Request ID #2440 Resolved
  • Hi,

    Could you let me know how to edit the contact form on the home page and sidebar please? I just need to remove the appointment field.

    Kind Regards,


    Hello there,

    Thanks for writing. The appointment form is a Widget. In order to remove the appointment widget, you have to visit the “Appearance > Widgets” section on the admin panel, check the “Home Sidebar” space and delete the “Appointments” widget.


    Hi Juan,

    Sorry I didn’t make myself very clear.

    I want to keep the appointments widget but just delete the “appointment date” field from within it. I’ve tried looking through the .php files but not found it yet.



    Hi Huw,

    Thanks for your response and the clarification. Unfortunately that can’t be made through the widget configuration and only through the PHP code.

    The code of that widget is in /paeon/includes/widgets/widget-appointments.php


    Hi Juan,

    I’ve now edited the widget-appointment.php to suit from the original source files, but how do I now upload it to replace the original appointment widget?

    Hi Huw,

    Thanks for writing.

    You’ll need an FTP account, and an FTP client in order to upload and replace the original files. Depending on your hosting panel you might be able to do it there too. I would recommend to contact your hosting company, I’m sure they’ll be able to tell you how to do this, depending on the service they bring.


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