Appointment form not showing submission notification

This support request was posted in Paeon by matchthemotion

Request ID #42257 In Progress
  • Currently, the appointment widget is not showing a submission confirmation when submitting an appointment request. The email is sending correctly, but without the notification of successful submission, multiple submissions are being sent.

    Thank you,

    Also noticing that this is happening on the contact page form as well.

    And while this ticket is open, I am noticing that the feedback widget is not showing featured images in any of the test reviews I put in there. Its only showing text. There is no display for name or the featured image. I have deactivated all my plugins.

    Hi Devin,

    Thank you for reaching out, I hope you’re doing well.

    Is this happening with a particular browser?

    I don’t see any testimonial when I visit your page, have you removed that?


    I am using Chrome on PC and have tested it on safari mobile as well. A check against the live demo of the theme on the envato site appears to have the same issue.

    I did remove the testimonial but will add it back now to showcase the issue. Its currently just a test feedback.

    Thanks for the follow-up!

    And, do you get to see any error messages in the console? We’re going to be taking a look at this.


    No error messages. Any idea on when this will be fixed?

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