Article Categories / Tags in Dashboard overview

This support request was posted in Flatbase by THORianer

Request ID #6210 In Progress
  • Hello flatbase-Team,

    WordPress basically supports a lot of options or filters in the article list of the dashboard like categories or tags. The Flatbase article list in the dashboard unfortunately does not… It only shows title, author, date and number of comments. But it is really helpful to filter all articles by a specific category or a tag.

    We currently have about 120 articles and it will be doubled in the next few weeks. So, it is very difficult to keep an overview of all the articles.

    Is it possible to add some more options / filters for the article list in the WordPress Dashboard?

    Best regards,

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Nick,

    Thank you for writing. At the moment, as you say, that’s not possible with the theme.

    However, it sounds like a good feature. We’ll probably work on that to have it added for the upcoming versions.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Nick,

    We’ll be including this in the upcoming version.

    In the meantime you can add the code to your functions.php file in order to have the functionality in your site:


    Hi Juan,

    thanks for your quick reply and the pretty simple solution! The code work’s like it has to 😉 But before you update the new version of the theme with this feature, it would be gret if you add a “dropdown filter” therefore on top of the list, too. Like the filter by month. So, the user can view to only those articles of the chosen category 🙂


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Nick,

    No problem.

    Unfortunately that’s not possible.


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