Business Hours

This support request was posted in Paeon by Gebhardt

Request ID #7036 In Progress
  • Hi,

    I try to change our Business opening hour from 07:00 to 07:15.
    Tried to modify the arrays in /wp-content/themes/paeon/includes/options.php

    1. Change
    ’07:00′ => ’07:00′, to ’07:15′ => ’07:15′,

    2. Insert
    ’07:00′ => ’07:00′, ’07:15′ => ’07:15′,

    Both does not affect in the Backend, so that I can choose the 07:15
    and in the Frontend still 07:00 is shown as opening time.

    Have a look in the Footer

    Need your help to fix this …


    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for writing. I hope you’re doing well.

    Unfortunately by changing the values in the arrays is not enough to make the function change as the functions are still working with half hours. You can check the business hours functions in /paeon/includes/functions.php

    Please have in mind that we cannot give support on customizations. You can see our explanation on this here:


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