Changes won't save

This support request was posted in Flatbase by rabtpk

Request ID #6808 Resolved
  • I am trying to make changes after installation and the theme just won’t save any changes at all. It starts the Save action but the arrows keep revolving. I’m talking about any changes what so ever, even the logo.

    I tried saving from Customize options and Footer Header and options available in default WordPress Customize are working but the theme options wouldn’t save any change at all, please also tell me what is wrong?

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for writing.

    The Theme Options panel saves the changes via AJAX, that mean that they are changed on the same page without reloading the page. The technology in charge of doing that is named JavaScript. If you have any plugin or other script that is giving an error, then the options won’t be saved.

    Please try deactivating all plugins.


    Hi Juan,
    It’s a fresh install, WordPress 4.4.2, and I haven’t installed any plugins nor did I activate akismet or hello dolly. I have checked all the silly mistakes including folder name through FTP. As soon as I click Save Changes the arrows start revolving but never complete the task or come to a halt. Hence the changes don’t get saved.


    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for the follow up.

    Would you please send me your login details to

    Thank you,


    Details sent, please check.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi BR,

    Thank you. I just logged in to your site and saved the options without any problem. By any chance you have the JavaScripts disabled in your browser?


    Hi Juan,

    Thanks for taking out the time to check, Javascript is enabled on my browser but I think it has something to do with my connection. I am on a VPN based network however when I used my 3G hotspot it promptly saved options.

    Best Regards (BR) 🙂

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Rabt,

    Thank you for the follow up. I’m happy you got it working.

    Have a nice day.

    Best Regards 😉

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