Contact form feedback after sending

This support request was posted in Paeon by andreapatricelli88

Request ID #42297 In Progress
  • Hi Andrea,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Once the form is completed and sent, there should be a message indicating that the form was successfully submitted. Unfortunately, there’s not no-code way to customize the messages, and you’ll need to apply a custom code to modify the messaging there.




    ok, thanks for the answer. Do you have any other OOTB form available with more control on form overloading or exploiting?

    At the moment I do not see any feedback after submitting the message, is there a way to debug what’s happening?


    Sorry, do you have any hint about this?
    I did not customize the contact page, but no feedback is shown


    Solved with Contact form 7. You can close. Thanks

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