Contact Form Google Re-Captcha

This support request was posted in Paeon by andreapatricelli88

Request ID #42296 In Progress
  • andreapatricelli88

    Hi all,

    how can I add Google Re-captcha to the default contact form?

    Best regards,

    Hi Andrea,

    I hope you’re doing well. Thank you for reaching out.

    Unfortunately, the default contact form doesn’t come with a re-captcha functionality. You could potentially add that with a customization or a third-party plugin.




    thank you very much. I’ll try to apply some customization to support it.
    Could you share some guide about this, if any?


    Please could you tell me where is the submit code of the contact form?
    So that I can add re-captcha validation there some way I’ll find myself.

    Thanks and regards,


    Solved with Contact form 7. You can close, thanks.

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