Desperate help!

This support request was posted in General Support by AKanellopoulos

Request ID #3626 In Progress
  • I made a huge mistake and accidentally clicked on the footer.php template to the side of the editor, recopied the original code back, updated it, and now the site is all messed up!

    Please help Juan, I hope there is a way to fix this! The code is pasted below.


    Theme Name: BBQ
    Theme URI:
    Description: Designed by NiceThemes
    Version: 1.1.5
    Author: NiceThemes
    Author URI:

    Copyright: (c) 2013 NiceThemes.
    License: GNU/GPL Version 2 or later.
    License URI:


    0. CSS Reset
    1. Document Setup
    2. Header Styles
    3. Navigation & Menus
    4. Main Content Styles
    6. Grid Styles
    7. Post Content Styles
    8. Slider
    9. Pagination
    10. Footer Styles
    11. Page Templates & Special styles
    12. Contact form
    13. Widgets
    14. Responsive



    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi there,

    Don’t panic, there’s a solution.

    The code that you’ve pasted here is the CSS that should be in the default stylesheet (style.css)

    Please re-download the theme files, take the code from the original footer.php and paste it on the one you have right now on your site. That should solve your problem.


    Juan, you are the absolute man. I am trying my hardest to learn this WordPress situation, but there are definitely some bumps in the road!

    Quick question, there should be nothing in the custom.css style sheet, correct? Also, if I want to make changes to the footer.php, when I click on it on the right hand side, it isn’t actually pasting anything? That is just a different section of the code?

    Thank you again, you have been so helpful!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    No problem 🙂

    The file custom.css is meant to “host” all the new css code that the theme customization takes. This way, the default stylesheet remains untouched and it’s easier to apply updates.

    I’m sorry but I don’t understans your question about the footer.


    No worries, I figured out the footer issue!

    Again, thank you for your help.

    Take care!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Oh, great then.

    You too 🙂

    Have a nice day,

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