Different logo for different page

This support request was posted in Paeon by richpearsonwd

Request ID #2423 Resolved
  • Hi,

    I need my logo to be different on the homepage to the logo that appear on inside pages inside the blue bar, is this possible to do? If you could just let me know roughly where to go to make this change please 🙂


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Rich,

    That can’t be done through the theme options panel. I would recommend you to do this with an if statement over your header file.

    If it is the home page, then display one logo, if not, display the other.


    Hi Bud,

    Indeed I did this for a previous theme, but was struggling understand how the following works with your code, I know you don’t do customisations, but would you consider just having a quick look at this please, everything else is now nearly achieved and it would be great to sort this out…

    Here is the code, and you can email me direct on richard.pearson@me.com

    Would be so grateful

    <a href="” title=”Welcome” rel=”home”>

    <a href="” title=”” rel=”home”><img src="” class=”logo-uploaded” alt=”logo”/>

    <a href="” title=”” rel=”home”>

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Rich,

    Thanks for writing. Unfortunately I can’t see the code in what you’ve pasted, and we don’t do support on customisation/ custom functionalities. I’m deeply sorry.


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