Duplicate home page(gallery info boxes)

This support request was posted in BBQ by daniel

Request ID #1172 Resolved
  • Hi,

    I’d like to have a second page on my website that has the same layout as the demo home page(I already have one page looking like the demo homepage, I now need another). I need to have different content on this page, for example another slider but with different images.

    Do you know how I could do this? I also need info boxes with different content for this page. Please help.

    Thanks, Daniel.

    however I do not seem to be able specify a

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Daniel,

    At the moment, with the theme as it is, that’s not possible.

    As a suggestion, if you have some web development experience, what you can do is duplicate the file template-home.php and name it template-home-second.php

    Then open the file, edit the template name and change the order of the query of the infoboxes. However, the slider is set to work only in the home page.


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