Editing Staff Page

This support request was posted in Paeon by orlandpcs

Request ID #2545 Resolved
  • How do I change the order of the staff members on the staff page? I want them to be listed alphabetically on the main staff page and I want four random ones to be featured on the home page (as to not favor any particular physician).

    Unless there is a way to get all 9 staff members on the home page?


    Hello Rachel,

    Thanks for writing.

    To change the order of the staff items on the staff page you need to edit each staff item and set the menu order. When in the form, check below the “Attributes” box. There you can set a number for the order.

    With regards to have a random order on the home page, you need to change the “Staff Order” option in the Theme Options panel. It’s on the “Home Options” section.


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