FAQ's category

This support request was posted in Flatbase by Digitaleo

Request ID #37216 In Progress
  • Hi Juan,

    A FAQ is present on our website in addition to a classic article section. The fact is that there is an option to categorize our FAQ’s post but it seems that we can’t make them out on the website. I would like to know if it’s possible to bring FAQ’s categories out on the right side when we are on the FAQ page : https://support.digitaleo.com/faq/


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Miguel,

    Thank you for writing. I hope you’re doing well.

    Unfortunately, the theme doesn’t come with a FAQ categories widget yet. Though, you can use a plugin like this one to list custom taxonomies (like the one used for the faq categories): https://wordpress.org/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/

    With regards to categorizing the FAQs in different pages, since version 2.0.2 we have added the shortcode [nicethemes_faq] for you to include different FAQ categories on the pages you need.

    You can use the following parameters:

    • type=”scroll” (by default it will do the toggle)
    • category=”123″ (being 123 the ID of the faq category)
    • numberposts=”5″ (to show only 5)


    Hi Juan,

    Thank you for the clear anf fast answer 🙂 I will let you know if it works.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Miguel,

    Thank you for the follow-up.

    Perfecto! Have a nice day,

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