Feedback link not working

This support request was posted in Paeon by cybrbaer

Request ID #2550 Resolved
  • I am having truble with the readmore feedback link. The Menu link for feedback works fine, but the readmore feedback on the home page takes me to an error page.

    Hello there,

    Thanks for writing. It seems that you haven’t configured your permalinks.

    You need to go over “Settings > Permalinks”, pick “Month and Name” and save changes.


    apparently my .htaccess is not writable is that something I have to have my hosting co. do?

    Hello there,

    Yes, that’s right – you should contact your hosting company or if you have an FTP access, you can upload an empty .htaccess with writing permissions and it will be modified by WordPress. Have in mind that is recommended to change the file permissions after doing this.


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