Header nav gone in Chrome 33

This support request was posted in Paeon by MWCoastMedia

Request ID #3563 In Progress
  • Trying to view website on Chrome 33 PC and there is no header nav appearing. Also, the slideshow buttons on the side don’t appear.


    Thanks for writing.

    I’ve visited your site and the header navigation is there.

    What’s the size of your browser at the moment you viewed the site? It’s quite probable that you were seeing the responsive styles because of the size of the window.

    With regards to the slideshow buttons, you can configure that in the Theme Options panel, in the Slider section.


    I see the header of the homepage in every other browser, except Chrome 33 PC. The header is there on the other pages of the site, just not this one. I used ctrl-minus and ctrl-pus to scale the page up and down in the browser window but that never brought it back (I could scale to bring in the mobile navigation, so the responsive is working).

    Clients other computer was a Mac running Chrome 32 and it works fine. I’ve been developing in Chrome and testing in Firefox, also with no problems. It just that one PC browser.

    Those slideshow buttons also appeared in other browsers, just not this version of Chrome. That I’m not worried about as much as the header navigation being gone.

    Hello there,

    Thanks for your response.

    The ctrl plus and minus doesn’t have to do with the viewport size. It only serves as a zoom in/out tool. You can check the viewport size with this tool: http://viewportsizes.com/mine/

    If the size is < 1024px width, then you'll see the mobile version of the site. Would you please check that? Regards, Juan.

    1366 x 667

    It doesn’t show the mobile navigation drop-down OR the main navigation drop-down.


    I went through your site on Windows 8, running Chrome version 33 and it is working fine.

    The menu is showing in desktop mode. The responsive menu is showing when the window is resized.

    Do you have any addon on that browser that may be causing any conflict?


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