How to Enable User Profile Avatar on Forum

This support request was posted in Flatbase by Arutam

Request ID #6535 In Progress
  • Hi Juanfra,

    Please, could you help to enable the User Avatar Profile in the forums? of FlatBase.

    For example, the avatar you can see after the line “Started by:” or under Last Post as “1 minute ago. Avatar & Nickname”

    Also, I tried this code to add icons for forums, but nothing happen. I use this code in other website, and it works perfect. So I guess you removed something from Flatbase.

    Please could you tell me where is the part of the code.



    Thank you for writing. All avatars in WordPress are handled by, you can create a profile there to get your avatar.



    I knew that. But:

    If you see demo FlatBase preview (, you have a profile as “Nice Demo” where I see your profile picture (the same as here), and that picture doesn’t appear on the topics list, for example “Check this nice site” you posted.

    I attached a screen-shot of my forum, where you can see that everything is fine. I uploaded a picture profile but it still doesn’t show it. (I just replace the domain of the urls with develop tools to hide my site url) Image:

    Also, If you read the text where I quote “ ” you can realized that something happen. Why does the code work in my other site and not in my FlatBase site?


    Hi Javi,

    Thank you for the follow up.

    The gravatar image is posted beside each message, and it corresponds to the message author. Each user has an email address, and the email address has to be linked with a gravatar account in order to see the avatar.

    The gravatars listed in the forum list, has to do with the forum templates. The integration in flatbase displays gravatars only in the single topic template.

    If you wish to give the option for users to have their own avatar instead of using gravatar avatars you’ll need to use a plugin like this one:


    Hi Juanfra,

    Thanks for your answer but it doesn’t respond my question.

    In other words, I would like to add the avatar in the left side as bbpress native forum. I attached an screenshot marked with red boxes the images avatars that I want to enable in FlatBase theme.

    I also realized that FlatBase has some conflicts with several plugins. Css errors.

    – One more time, please. Could you explain why the code of “” to add icons in forums doesn’t work with FlatBase?


    Hi Javier,

    Thank you for the follow up.

    As I’ve mentioned before, the gravatars you are mentioning on that template have to do with how are the bbPress templates integrated on this theme. With plugins like bbPress and WooCommerce, you have the possibility to extend the default templates inside the theme, by customizing these with your own (in this case, us theme developers). That’s what make a theme integrated with a plugin. You can read more about this here:

    For flatbase we have customized the default bbPress templates, by setting our own and giving a different look from the default ones.

    For that particular template that you mention, we’ve hidden the gravatar because of a design decision. The rule we’ve used to do that is:

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-topics .bbp-topic-started-by .bbp-author-avatar {

    If you wish to show the avatar over there, all you have to do is remove that rule:

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-topics .bbp-topic-started-by .bbp-author-avatar {
        display: block;


    How you been Juanfran?

    Thanks for the link.

    Sure, thats why i bought your theme, but you know… sometimes there is something more the buyers want to.

    That line was what I need! Thanks a lot.

    Let me ask you two questions if you don’t have problem with that:

    1. How could I remove FlatBase css style bbpress to use the default bbpress css?
    2. What plugin do you use to handle the recovery password page of NiceTheme website? Or did you customize the code?



    1. The “Last” tab (last user wrote on bbPress) is very important. Think about add it.
    2. I mean… to manage the login, register and record password pages.

    Hi Javier,

    Thank you for your response. I have been great, how have you been?

    We do know that sometimes customers want to extend their themes in order to fill their needs, but unfortunately products has boundaries in terms of what can be done with them out of the box that sometimes are not what the customer is looking/needing. That’s why we have explained in this article that we can guide our customers in how to extend and approach customizations but we cannot help them customizing their themes:

    With regards to the new questions:

    1. The bbPress templates are included within the /bbpress/ and /bbbress-templates/ folders. The bbpress.php file is the one in charge of handling the default bbpress template. And the styles are included from /includes/styles.php.

    2. WordPress and a mix with Amember.

    About the notes:

    1. I’m not sure of what you mean here.

    2. You can use the built in WordPress/bbPress functionality. Perhaps using a front-end login/register plugin may work as well.


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