How to put text, links and images on the header

This support request was posted in Flatbase by mfeemster

Request ID #5084 Resolved
  • I just downloaded Flatbase and am trying to do something very simple, yet am completely lost.

    On the header, it offers the options of icon, background image, and repeat, but has no options for text.

    I would like to customize this area with some text, links and images. Something like:

    “Welcome to company, download -here-“.

    How can I do this? Thanks.

    My apologies, I meant to post this in the Flatbase sub-forum. My question still stands though.


    Thanks for writing, I´ve moved the topic to the Flatbase forum, no problem.

    With regards to the text on the header, first you’ll need to set up your site to use the home page template for the front page:

    Then, when you have that you’ll need to put the text you want in the appropriate option (Live Search Tagline, in the Home Options section). You may use html over there to put links or format the text, if you want.


    Got it, thanks!

    No problem.

    Have a nice day,

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