HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

This support request was posted in BBQ by cantolabs

Request ID #5655 In Progress
  • Hi,

    I own one of your other themes Paeon, which is awesome and very easy to use. I’ve recently inherited the responsibility of taking care of The previous so called web designer set it up and used your BBQ theme. It’s currently at version 1.08 and seems to be having issues with some kind of javascript error, where the site goes down and it’s a white screen.

    He used a lot of plugins and non wp-framework edits to modify the site.

    Here is the error: and the plulgins in use and not in use: (this is the backed up site on my hosting)

    I’m going to have the client purchase the theme, since they will need to update either way, but I just wanted to run this error by you. Also to see if you had this issue before. I’m also not 100% sure if it’s cause by that recent plugin vulnerability.

    Let me know your thoughts, thanks in advance.

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thanks for writing and for your kind words.

    Commonly, the JavaScript problems are related to themes or plugins that make a bad usage of jQuery. For your case, I’d recommend you to update to the latest version of the theme, which we can assure that it is fully free of any JS problem. Regarding other plugins we cannot guarantee anything.

    Speaking of the Internal Server Error, it is not caused by the theme. The most common reasons are:

    – Incorrect file permissons – Most commonly having a file as “world” writeable. This is a very common issue with PHP files. …
    – Leaving file permissions set incorrectly after manual installation of content management systems, forums, blogs, etc.
    – Coding errors in the .htaccess file.

    Finally, regarding the other plugins, I’m afraid we cannot give any verdict. I’d personally recommend you to try to use products from developers which stay strict to the WordPress standards, who also are responsible of their products, try to optimize and improve them continuously.

    Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


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