Image Not Responsive on Mobile Browsers

This support request was posted in Paeon by hlaglobal

Request ID #6503 In Progress
  • Hello. We currently have the theme installed on our corporate website, but noticed that not all images are responsive on mobile browsers such as “Chrome for Mobile” and “Dolphin”. Examples of pages with non-responsive images accessed on a mobile: (front page slider image)

    Innovation and Potential

    The images resize properly if a desktop browser window is resized, but on mobile browsers they do not. Could a support staff please have a look?

    Thank you.

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for writing.

    With regards to the first problem of having problems with images in Chrome. Are you using any other plugins?

    Regarding the second link: The problem here is that you are inserting images with their own inline style and divs:


    After a bit of investigation, the images appear to be stretched on mobile browsers because of the “Photon” part of the “Jetpack” plugin. I disabled that part and images work normally on mobile browsers now.

    As for images not scaling when the in-built WordPress caption shortcode is used (specified width is required for that to work), removing that part seems to fix it for this theme. However, many other themes can accommodate the use of the caption shortcode while still being responsive on mobile browsers. Perhaps the developer could investigate and update the theme in the future?

    Thank you!

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for the follow up and all the information.

    We’ll be more than happy to review the issue. As I’ve mentioned before, it seems that the caption has an inline CSS rule, which is setting the width. And that is preventing the responsive captions to work as they should. Would you be so kind to share your site access details with me at so I can take a look?

    Thank you,

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