Large Header Image

This support request was posted in Flatbase by agenta2z

Request ID #6631 In Progress
  • Hello,

    Thank you for writing. In order to have the site looking like the demo site, specifically the front page, where the header is taller, you need to use the home page template and set that page as the front page of the site. We’ve created an article explaining how to do that, you can find it here:

    The background for the header is set through the theme options panel, in the “Header” section.


    Juan, Correct I have done that is there a way to increase the height of the main image?


    Thank you for the follow up. The height is given by default by the space that it takes to fill in the header with the Welcome message plus the live search bar. You can try applying some css.

    Something like:

    body.home #header {
        height: 700px;

    You can change the value with the number you need.


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