Line height throughout website?

This support request was posted in BBQ by billybilonick

Request ID #2282 In Progress
  • Hi Juan,

    Love the theme and it works perfectly for what I need.

    I’m in the process of doing a test site (using BBQ) and would like to know how to change the line height of text throughout the site, specifically on the text in the infoboxes (it’s all a bit ‘squished’ right now)…if you could point me in the right direction in terms of the CSS that would be really helpful! 🙂



    Hi Billy,

    Thanks for writing and thanks for the kind words. In order to change the line height you can use the css selectors for the body and all elements.

    That would be:

    body{ line-height: number-you-needpx; }


    *{ line-height: number-you-needpx; }

    change number-you-needpx for the number you want and the unit you need, I’ve used pixels on this case.


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