Mobile view does not show contact information

This support request was posted in Paeon by andreapatricelli88

Request ID #42298 In Progress
  • andreapatricelli88

    Hi all,

    In mobile view the contact (phone number) is not shown anywhere, especially below the slider image(s).
    Neither in the contact form.
    How can I add that information in home and contact section on mobile?

    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Andrea,

    I hope you’re doing well.

    To show that section on mobile you could apply the following custom CSS:

    @media screen and (max-width: 685px) {
    .home-social .main-title .right {
        display: block;

    You can add that in Appearance > Additional CSS



    Very nice, with that additional CSS now the phone is visible. Thank you very much for the precise support!
    You can close the ticket

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