Need the look of the demo

This support request was posted in Netelier by ifssvas

Request ID #832 Resolved
  • I need for my site to look like the demo:

    How do I get the icons and text as follows from the demo: MOBILE DESIGN, ILLUSTRATION, WEB DESIGN, & PRINT

    Also, how do I get the icons and text as follow from the demo: Latest work: Monoblock Mag, Elephant, iPhone App, & Tea Lettering

    I am thinking this is done from the Widgets area, but I just need to know which ones, if that is so.


    Hi Jerome,

    Those are info boxes. You should see your Info Boxes menu on your WordPress backend. The icons you see there are just images we’ve used for the demo site.

    With regards to the “Monoblock Mag, Elephant, iPhone App, & Tea Lettering” section, that’s part of the portfolio. Those are portfolio items.


    Ok, I have set stuff up, but it is not displaying.

    Can you go in an check to see what I am doing wrong?


    Hello Jerome,

    Thanks for writing. I’ve been through your site and you need to set up your home page page with the home page template, in order to have everything looking as the demo site.

    Please, take a look at our documentation where we explain how to set your home page.


    Ok, I got that working, but now the images are too big and I don’t know why they are that big, because the original image as what was uploaded is not.

    The images I am referring to are on this page:

    The images that is above the words: Something 1, Something 2, Something 3, Something 4

    How can I have the same size as the images on the demo: ?


    Ok I have changed those titles from Something 1, Something 2, Something 3, Something 4 to Time, Organizing, Speaking, Articles & Resources

    Hi Jerome,

    Thanks for writing.

    The truth is, those images are not smaller on the demo site. They just have white background. But the dimensions are the same. They dimension is 480×330 px. Maybe you can edit your images to fit that size – including white background – and they’ll look like the demo.


    So you are saying if I edit the images to be the size of 480x330px, they will appear smaller?

    If so, that is weird.

    Let me know.


    Hello Jerome,

    No, I’m not saying that. I’m trying to guide you in the process of having your site as the demo site.

    The images that you mention, are resized with an aspect ratio which max dimension is 480x330px. This is done in order to maintain responsiveness (The theme is responsive, it looks good on every device.). Almost all images on the theme are resized thanks to this.

    If you use smaller images than the one I’ve mentioned(480x330px), it’s probable that they’ll look pixelated. The same if you don’t maintain the aspect ratio ( This would be uploading an image of 800×300 for example, it’ll be cropped).

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need any further assistance.


    I guess I am not understanding.

    I have an image which is 97 pixels in width / 90 pixels in height

    So even though the images are that small it still does not show up correctly.

    So are you saying I have to go into the edit mode of those images and change the aspect ratio to 480x330px for it to show correctly?

    Maybe if you give me step by step of what I need to do, that would help.


    Hi Jerome,

    Thanks for writing. You’re correct, you need to change the size of the images in order to have them correctly.

    If you upload pictures with smaller dimensions than 480×330 you might see that they’re kind of pixelated. That’s why I recommend you to use the mentioned dimension or bigger if you want.

    I spoke of aspect ratio (in this case images are 16 : 11) because by using the one I’ve mentioned, you can be sure that your image wont be cropped. When thinking of having icons, I’m sure that you’ll want to have them well centered.

    We use a great tool when calculating aspect ratios:
    With this calculator you can set an original dimension (W1, H1) and by inserting only one dimension for the second set, you’ll have the remaining calculated.

    I hope this helps.

    Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


    Thank you for you help on this. This one can be closed.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Thank you 🙂

    Have a nice day,

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