Need to change "my website" on the contact page to something else or delete it

This support request was posted in Paeon by tracyholland

Request ID #2554 Resolved
  • Hello, just started using the Paeon template and I love it! Thank you. On the contact page where it displays the contact information, there is a header that says “My Website”. I can’t find where I can edit that. I need to change it or maybe even delete it. Can you please let me know where to go to find it? Thank you for your time.

    Hi Tracy,

    Thanks for writing and thanks for the purchase 🙂

    The information shown over there is the site title. It’s quite probable that when you created your site you name it “My Website”. You can go over the WordPress Settings and change that.

    “Settings > General” and insert your site name over the “Site Title” input.


    Oh how simple. Thank you!

    Hi Tracy,

    No problem.

    Have a nice day,

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