Hello To the NICETHEMES,
Thanks for your amazing theme!
Before i’ve bought this theme, I was a WordPress noob. After my purchase of the Smart theme, I started to feel very confortable to work with it. After one month of hard work, my portfolio web site is almost done! 😉
I need your help to fix some little problems before I will be ready to transfert my portfolio on my main website (francislachaine.com)
When I test my site for mobile, all my portfolio images become square. It’s perfect, but the image focus is not at the right place. I downloaded the plugin Image Focus to solve the problem, but it doesn’t work inside Nice Portfolio. For exemple, if you see my film poster with the two girls, The first head is chopped in mobile mode. How to focus the image at the right place in the “Nice Portfolio”?
I would like to change the order of my categories for my portfolio. Now, the order is :
PHOTOMONTAGEI would like :
AUDIOI tried the plugin “Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order” to fix the problem, but only few words change. Not all… I don’t know why ?
I like to see the categories in my portfolio but i want to deseable the categories page.
For exemple, if you click on my film poster with the two girls, you see :Le Service
Outils promotionnels, PhotographieWhen you click on the category “Outils promotionnels, Photographie” you go to the page “Catégorie : Outils promotionnels”
Because i’ve a small portfolio, this page isn’t useful to me. How to continue to see the categories without the link for all my projets?
Same thing in my projet page “Le Service”. You can see “Classé dans Outils promotionnels, Photographie”. I like to see the category but not the link. How to keep the categories without the link ?
I would like to know if the Nice Portfolio will have the option in the future to animate like this :
For exemple, when you click on CSS and HTML you see a animation between the categories.
It will be possible to have this option in the future ?
In my NEWS page ( Nouvelles in french), I want to keep always 3 post on the top. It’s more esthetic. Now, if i write a new post, i need to move all my other posts to keep 3 post on the top of my site. How to always keep 3 news on the top off my site without having to move all my other posts ?
Finally, i’ve install “Yoast SEO” and when I run PageSpeed Insights test, I Got 21/100 Poor
Why ?
P. S.: Sorry if my english is not perfect, i’m french canadien as you see on my website! 😉
FrancisJuanfra Aldasoro July 22, 2017 at 3:58 pmBonjour Francis,
I hope you are doing well. Thanks for writing.
It’s nice to hear that you’re enjoying while creating your site 🙂
Regarding your questions:
1) What do you mean to focus the image in the right place? Right now it is being adjusted so it is aligned to the center. (have in mind that for mobile devices, the hover effect it is not taken into account because there’s no mouse)
2) Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t come with the functionality to order the different categories and taxonomies, however, you can try to do that by installing a simple plugin like this one: https://wordpress.org/plugins/taxonomy-terms-order/ – Is that the plugin that you are already using?
3) Do you want to remove all the links to the different portfolio categories then? Or just in the portfolio grid?
4) You mean having an animation instead of having the items disappearing and reappearing with the filtered results?
5) Have you tried with sticky posts? http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-make-sticky-posts-in-wordpress/
6) Have you installed any other plugin? What tool are you currently using to measure the site?
Merci beaucoup,
JuanP.s.: Your English is perfect.
Juanfra Aldasoro July 24, 2017 at 7:38 pmBonjour Francis,
I hope you are doing well. Thanks for the follow-up.
1) At this moment there’s no option to set that via the settings. But you can get it by adding some custom CSS:
.nice-vc-posts-element .portfolio_project-1101 .item-caption img { object-position: top; }
If you check, that will be only for the portfolio project 1101 (.portfolio_project-1101).
2) Please download the following file: https://gist.github.com/juanfra/c66b7385c54c81cf1a4cb8b03dd8cd3e
And replace the one in smart/includes/plugin-integrations/visual-composer/classes/ with this new one. After you have done that, the plugin for ordering categories must work. Let me know if it doesn’t.
3) You can try adding the following CSS:
.nice-vc-posts-element .entry-categories a { pointer-events: none; } #nice-portfolio-project-categories a, #nice-portfolio-project-tags a { border: none; pointer-events: none; }
4) Right now, unfortunately, that’s not possible. But we’re working to include that in the future.
5) Great!
6) Ok, the speed usually has to do with the server features, the content you display on your site and the optimization you apply to your own site.
I’d recommend you to disable Revolution slider as you are not currently using it (as far as I’ve seen by visiting your site). Also, you don’t need a favicon plugin to have a favicon, you can use it via the theme or WordPress directly. With regards to “Image Focus”, what are you using that plugin for?
In terms of optimization, minification and performance improvement we recommend the plugin Autoptimize. You can get it here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/
And we suggest the following configuration: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l621ucr6mlpuepk/Screen%20Shot%202017-06-28%20at%2014.53.49-fullpage.png?dl=0&raw=1.
Also, you may want to take a look at this article about website performance and optimization to get more ideas to improve your site performance: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wordpress-performance-speed/
Thanks for your patience.
Juan.Juanfra Aldasoro July 26, 2017 at 7:53 amBonjour Francis,
Thanks for the follow-up and thanks a lot for the review! It means the world to us 🙂
Regarding your new questions, I think your website is having a decent loading time now. That can always be improved, but as I mentioned before it depends on many things.
I don’t fully understand the problem you are having with audios, would you please try to explain me better so I can assist you with that?
I’ve never used Duplicator, but it seems to be a good plugin. Perhaps you can make a test before using it to move the live site. That way you will see if it works for you.
Merci Beaucoup Francis,
Juan.Juanfra Aldasoro July 27, 2017 at 7:30 amHi Francis,
Thank you for the follow-up and the kind words.
Ok, I understand now. I’m not familiar with that service. What happens if you set a featured image or that project? Would that work?
Juan.Hi Juan,
Yes, if I set a featured image for that project it’s working.
I will do that…P.s. I’ve finally test Duplicator and now my website is online :
http://www.francislachaine.comParty time! 😉
Again, thanks you for your amazing help. My futur will be better now! 😉
FrancisJuanfra Aldasoro July 27, 2017 at 8:53 amHi Francis,
Thanks for the follow-up!
Well, that’s great 🙂 Congratulations on your new website!
Merci Beaucoup! Bonne Journeé,
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