No Instagram option for built in "social media" support?

This support request was posted in BBQ by bgbaron89

Request ID #2140 In Progress
  • Hi there!

    I assume Juan will see this eventually.

    I’ve noticed that on your other themes (noticeably the new Paeon), Instagram seems to be one of the included social media buttons. However, in the Nice Themes options in my wp-admin page, it doesn’t seem like BBQ has a box to simply input an Instagram username. I’d very much like to include a link to my instagram account in this manner if possible, particularly because the included social media buttons functionality with the BBQ theme looks so darn neat and clean!

    Vine would be an added bonus too, but I’ll just settle for Instagram in the meantime 🙂



    Hi Brad,

    I hope you’re doing well. Juan here reading 🙂

    Actually Instagram is part of the social links included in BBQ. What version of the theme are you running? It’s in Theme Options > Social. Just below Zagat.

    Hopefully Vine will be included soon.


    Interesting! I have neither Zagat or Instagram options. Perhaps I have an old version of the BBQ theme like you mentioned.

    My BBQ version is 1.0.8

    If that’s out-of-date, how might I update it and how do I know when there is an update available? WordPress always sends a notification when a plugin has a new version to update to, but I’ve never seen that for a theme before!

    Additionally, if there is a BBQ newer than mine, what are the updated features to be aware of?

    Hi Brad,

    Then you don’t have the latest version, which is 1.1.0.

    The updates for these two versions were the following:

    * Added support for WordPress native image functions.
    * Added option for currency position (before/after).
    * Added option for favicon.
    * Opening Hours widget is now Business Hours.
    * Fixed grid view for the taxonomy template.
    * Fixed responsivenes for the taxonomy (menu-category) template.
    * Made the contact js strings translatable.
    * Fixed RSS link for archive.php
    * Fixed slider image to 960px
    * Fixed respond-IE.js bad linking.
    * Fixed single-menu.php image width.
    * Added style for the navigation menu current-parent element.
    * Added option for opening the infobox link into a new tab/window.
    * Solved the slider caption issue (background transparency) for IE.
    * Fixed image width issue for the blog in IE.
    * Social Widget: Added yelp, urbanspoon, chowhound, tripadvisor, zagat, instagram.
    * Fixed the page sidebar issue.
    * Fixed the limit issue in template-feedback.php
    * Added a category column for the edit menu items panel.
    * Added option for menu items to be clickable or not.

    In order to update your theme, you need to download the latest version from the dashboard and then replace the files you have in your server, with the new ones. Please have in mind that if you have customised your site through the file custom.css, for example, you shouldn’t step over that file. So, always, we recommend that the first thing is doing a backup of what you already have.

    With regards to the updates notices, we’re working to provide you a better experience. It’s not that likely that you’ll get a notice for a premium theme like you do for plugins, but hopefully we’ll get something similar.


    Hey Juan,

    I do have some code entered into the custom CSS section of the “Design and Styles” section of the NiceThemes options. Would you suggest copy and pasting that code somewhere else to just re-enter again once I download the new version? (assuming the new version of BBQ is structured the same way)



    Hi Brad,

    If you have the code in there there’s no problem because it’ll remain in the database. The problem is given if you have code in the file custom.css and you replace that file.


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