No vertical slide slider

This support request was posted in Paeon by MWCoastMedia

Request ID #3348 In Progress
  • Is there an option to NOT have the vertical slide to reveal the first image? So the text header doesn’t tease for a second and then scroll down.

    On a separate question, can the navigation be at the bottom of that slider image instead of the top?

    Thank you, I am loving this theme so far!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello there,

    Thanks for writing and sorry for the late response.

    The vertical slide for the first image has to do with the time it takes for the first image to load. Unfortunately there’s no option to prevent the slider to work that way.

    In order to move the navigation to the bottom of the slider image, you’ll need to edit the code.


    Which file should I be looking at to edit for this?

    Hi There,

    Thanks for your response.

    You’ll need to edit the properties for the menu classes, check the #navigation div with firebug (

    You can learn more about adding new CSS here:


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