Options not easily visible in Text block RTF editor

This support request was posted in Smart by mari

Request ID #32664 In Progress
  • Hi there,

    I am working with this theme for 2 sites (we bought it 2x) and we just love it. But I am running into a problem. When we create a text block on this site (warstoriespeacestories.org), the options weirdly appear UNDER the pop up.

    If you go to this page: http://warstoriespeacestories.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=1181&action=edit you’ll see what I mean. Weird. huh?

    Any way to fix this so they options are more visible?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Mari,

    Thanks for writing, and thank you for your kind words 🙂 It means the world to us!

    I’ve visited the link you have shared with me and I see things as they should be. Do you mean that when you click the pen icon for some element, then the options are under another kind of layer? Would you please send me a screenshot or let me know what do I need to do on that page to reproduce the issue?

    Thanks so much,

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