Paeon, multi language support

This support request was posted in Paeon by killanaca

Request ID #3325 Resolved
  • Hi

    there’s a way to add multilanguage support to the theme?

    thanks a lot

    Hi there,

    Thanks for writing. Yes, there are some plugins to make the site multilanguage. For example WPML

    If you want to translate the theme to any other language:

    First, download and install Poedit ( Then, see that within the theme files there’s a folder named “lang”. Over there you can find the translatable files. So, you’ll need to do the following:

    1. Open the file in Poedit.
    On the left, there’s a box with the original message (in English) from the POT file. Beside that box is where you add your translation.
    2. Go to File → Save as… to save your translations in a PO file. (For example for spanish: es_ES.po and – These are for Spanish from Spain)
    3. When you are finished translating, go to File → Save as… again to generate the MO file.

    Finally, to make the relation, you need to be running your WordPress install in Spanish:

    You can check the different language identifiers here:


    Additional info
    I’ve tried qtranslate
    It works very well with services, feedback, page content, post content, staff but not with
    Slides and homepage configuration.

    any suggestion?

    Would you send me your site details to so we can take a look?


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