Phone link in home page

This support request was posted in Paeon by andreapatricelli88

Request ID #42299 In Progress
  • andreapatricelli88

    Hi all,

    how can I add a clickable phone number in home page just after the slider, preferably a phone icon?
    I have no social links
    And how to show it on mobile view, at the moment nothing is shown.

    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Andrea,

    I hope you’re doing well.

    To have the phone number on the home page clickable, you’ll need to customize the template-home.php file and then use an HTML link with the tel: prefix in the link.

    It should look something like this

    <span class="call-number"><a href="tel:<?php echo esc_attr( $nice_options['nice_phone_number'] )"><?php echo esc_html( $nice_options['nice_phone_number'] ); ?></a></span>




    thank you very much, it worked!
    You can close the ticket.

    Best regards,

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