Post Option

This support request was posted in Smart by jtcg91

Request ID #32556 In Progress
  • Hi,

    I had purchased Smart and would like to check out Post Option with you. I did not found Post Option in Smart Theme Option (except under Design & Styles).

    For instance,

    – I want to create a general “Call to Action” under each blog post, where should I make the setting for this?
    – I want to create related posts (said 3 or 4 columns or a list of blog posts) under the blog post.
    – I disable the comment section but the comment count and the icon is still there in the blog post, how do I disable the comment count and then icon?

    Please advice. Thanks.

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for writing and thank you for your purchase.

    You can find more options for the post on each post, over the “Smart Settings” section.

    With regards to your questions:

    1) Unfortunately, there’s no setting for that at this moment. But we can send you a code snippet for you to learn how to add some code below each post. Are you comfortable with that?

    2) That is usually managed with plugins like these ones

    3) Would you please send us your website address and access details on a private reply so I can take a look?

    Thanks a lot,

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