Problems with image quality.

This support request was posted in Bref by jtragg

Request ID #1758 Resolved
  • I have noticed there are a few posts on here about changing the size of images and some people who have said the quality of their uploaded images in the portfolio sections have appeared to be lower quality.

    I am wondering if there is just a way to turn off this re-sizing function. I have already changed the quality to 100 in the resizing functions and it seems not have not changed anything.



    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi James,

    Thanks for writing. At the moment our themes use the timthumb script in order to work with the images. As you have already done, you can change the quality to 100. We’re working in order to have the option of working with timthumb or php native image resizing. We’ll having a new framework version soon in order to solve this problem.


    Thank you so much for the quick reply as always, I look forward to the update!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience 🙂

    We’re doing the final tests over the new framework version, it should be ready by next week. You can keep on informed with the latest news on twitter @nice_themes.

    Thanks again,

    I also dont know if you’re looking for more things to fix with it, but for multiple images in a single portfolio item seems to work with the old way that wordpress worked where images uploaded to the page were linked to the page and nowhere else. Now, however images are global throughout the site so you cant really tell which images are in that portfolio and which are not until you look at the live site. Please let me know if you need more explanation.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi James,

    Thanks for writing.

    Would you please send me more details about that, to I’m not sure if I’m understanding what you mean.


    Any ideas on when the new framework will be available, I have to get back to a client about the timeframe for this project.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi James,

    Thanks for writing. The new framework version will be ready this week.


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