
This support request was posted in Paeon by Utopia Creative

Request ID #3593 In Progress
  • 1. For some reason when a page is selected the page title turns blue even though there isn’t anything blue in the settings.

    2. On the contact page under the picture of the building it says ‘My Blog’ how do I get rid of that.

    3. Lastly im not sure if you know but how do you get a marker to appear on the google maps on the contact page as on mine it just has a map.

    General Support


    Hello Ryan,

    Thanks for writing.

    1) You need to create a navigation menu, and assign it to the Navigation location:

    2) That’s the site name. You can go to template-contact.php and remove where it says

    bloginfo( 'name' );

    3) Unfortunately I’m not sure about how that can be done.


    Utopia Creative

    Ok thank you for this.

    Any chance you can tell me how to change the page title tab colours separately to everything else??



    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Ryan,

    If you create a navigation menu and you assign it to the navigation menu location, then the colour issue would be resolved.


    Utopia Creative

    It has but the colour clashes with the colour of the text and I only want to change that one colour as if I do it in the theme settings it changes more that just the page tab colour.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Ryan,

    That’s because you’ve selected the same colour for the text and tabs.

    You’ll need to add some CSS to change the colour of the selected items so it doesn’t look like there’s no text in there.


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