Remove RSS Feed & "Category Archives"

This support request was posted in Flatbase by educenter

Request ID #4703 Resolved
  • One more question..

    Any easy way to remove RSS Feeds? (see link below)

    Also, any easy way to remove “Category Archives”? In the link same below, I would like to display only “Design Tips” instead of “Category Archives: Design Tips”

    Thanks for your help.


    Thanks for writing.

    Unfortunately the only way to get that removed is editing the template – archive.php


    Do you know what to edit out in the archive.php?

    Thanks for your help Juan!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Well, you can see the link for the RSS on line #16



    Just before the


    Thanks Juan – that’s easy.

    What about removing “Category Archives: Design”, so that it just says “Design”?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Well, if you look that file you’ll easily find where you need to edit.

    On the exact same line you have something like:

    _e( 'Category Archives', 'nicethemes' );

    it is preceded by the < ?php tag and after the php closing tag (?>) you can find the :


    Perfect. Thanks for all your help Juan

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    No problem.


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