Responsive – Mobile/tablet version showing up on MacBook Air

This support request was posted in BBQ by sadekbazaraa

Request ID #1685 In Progress
  • Hi, I noticed yesterday that my site was pulling up the mobile/tablet version on a Macbook Air with the ‘Go To’ navigation bar as opposed to the regular navigation. Is there any way to alter the Macbook Air version?

    Many Thanks,

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Sadek,

    Thanks for writing. The mobile/tablet version that you’re seeing has to do with your MacBook Air resolution or the fact that you’re viewing the site in a window that is not maximized.

    That’s what responsive design is about. If you go and resize your window on Windows, Mac or Linux on every kind of machine you’ll see that the site varies.

    What resolution do you have in your Macbook Air? Is your window full sized?


    Hi Juan, thanks. That makes sense. I was looking on a friends computer and I do seem to recall that everything was a bit ‘bigger’ than normal so that explains it. I think otherwise it would appear differently.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Sadek,

    No worries 🙂

    Have a nice day,

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