Restrict a 'FAQ (scroll) page' to FAQ posts with a certain tag or category

This support request was posted in Flatbase by lucnaets

Request ID #34387 In Progress
  • Is it possible on a FAQ page to restrict the shown FAQ posts to a certain tag or category?

    I want to create 3 different FAQ pages for different divisions or purposes.
    But how do I only show the relevant on each page?

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for writing. I hope you are doing well.

    Unfortunately, that’s not possible with the theme as it is right now. Given that there are no tags/categories for FAQs, and the template is not meant to work like that. But it is a quite good suggestion.


    Thanks Juan for your reply!
    Because you finish your mail with *quite good suggestion*…
    should I have any hope in the availibilty in one of your next updates 🙂

    Have a nice weekend!

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    We are working on some new cool stuff for Flatbase, so perhaps once we are done with the updates we’re working on we can consider this new suggestion.

    Have a nice weekend!


    Thnx Juan for your reply…
    After further ‘playing’ with Flatbase… read ‘filling up’ I came over the same issue with the KnowledgeBase articles and the Gallery page.
    So please add this to some kind of wishlist for version 2 🙂

    Keep up the good work!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Luc,

    Thanks for the follow-up. And thank you for your kind words.

    With regards to the Knowledge Base, there’s a shortcode you can use to filter by a certain category. For example:

    [nicethemes_knowledgebase category="5" numberposts="5"]

    The category parameter will make the knowledgebase list all the categories and articles child of that category.

    Regarding galleries, you can create as many as you want, galleries are not categorized. To create more, you need to create pages and use the gallery template or insert the WordPress built-in gallery.


    Sorry Juan for coming back…
    The shortcode you proposed doesn’t seems to work?

    I’ve changed the categoryID to the ID of my category and placed the shortcode in a page with the template knowledgebase.
    All articles are still shown.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Luc,

    Thanks for the follow-up.

    Would you please share your site access details with me in a private reply so I can take a look? The copied code must be changing the quotation marks or something because the shortcode works. Another option is that you don’t have child elements for the article category you chose.


    This reply has been marked as private.
    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hallo Luc,

    Thanks for the follow-up and sharing your access details with me.

    You need to structure your contents in order to use your shortcode. If you want to use the shortcode with say, Category 21, then that category must have sub-categories, and then those sub-categories need to have articles. Also, please use double quotation marks for your shortcode parameters.


    Goodmorning Juan, I don’t give up hé 🙂
    But already thanks for all your efforts.
    Because I have already tried that…
    I have category 22 with 4 subCategories with Articles in and now everything is messed up 🙂

    I no longer have articles on the home page just Categories…

    And on that page with the shortcode I only get the categories?…

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hallo Luc,

    I’m glad you don’t give up. Persistence is the only way to achieve things.

    You can get rid of the sub-categories on the main page by replacing the file /flatbase/includes/functions.php with this one

    And then add this code to your functions.php file:

    The sub-categories count as a number on the “numberposts” there, because of a design decision. So if you don’t display the categories there, then the articles will start showing up again on the home page.

    With regards to the shortcode, you were using the “Knowledge Base” template for that page. The Knowledge Base page template only displays the Knowledge Base. If you want to use the shortcode you must use the default template, or the Full-width template, where the content is displayed. I’ve changed that for you.


    Hey Juan,

    I was also able to setup the wiki page more correctly but now really my last question for this week!
    The breadcrumb that is created on an Article is missing something to go back to the main wiki page …
    You can see it when you go to e.g.

    The Article is placed in Category IKEA and subCategory 3 – INSTORE COMMUNICATION
    But it shows
    instead of something like
    Where the IKEA part should link to the page with the [nicethemes_knowledgebase category=”22″] shortcode.

    Maybe this is not possible but as it seems you look somethink like a magician with your flatbase template… and it’s getting better all the time.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Luc,

    Thanks for the follow-up.

    Unfortunately an article is not able to determine if it’s included in a page using the shortcode, hence the breadcrumbs will always display the category they belong to.

    In any case, if you would like to modify that, the function in charge of displaying the breadcrumbs has some filters you could hook on. For example breadcrumb_trail.

    Unfortunately, we cannot provide support in customizations.


    Hey Juan,
    I really understand that customizations is out of scope!

    But you state that the breadcrumb of the article shows the category it’s in, right?
    But why is the parent category ‘IKEA’ of category ‘3 – INSTORE COMMUNICATION’ not shown?


    I don’t receive any mail of any answers you posted on this support question

    Many thanks for so much help!

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