Restrict a 'FAQ (scroll) page' to FAQ posts with a certain tag or category

This support request was posted in Flatbase by lucnaets

Request ID #34387 In Progress
  • Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Luc,

    Thanks for the follow-up.

    Yes, the breadcrumbs show the category to which the article is directly linked. It doesn’t go through the tree of categories.

    Perhaps you can take a look at the function in charge of the breadcrumbs and see if you can add some filter or action to modify the results. The function name is nice_breadcrumbs() and can be found in /engine/theming/functions.php

    It’s really strange that you are not getting the emails. What email provider are you using? Perhaps they are filtered to the spam folder? (we use a sending service to avoid that).


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