Safari & page loading time

This support request was posted in Smart by euona

Request ID #32903 In Progress
  • Hello,

    I have two problems:

    1) text contents are not always being displayed in Safari. Entire sections are blank. Also the footer is missing and the menu is not aligned properly.

    2) the site is slow when switching between pages (all browsers). We have been trying to optimize the speed with compression, caching, CDN… without success. It is the only site / theme on our server with this issue.

    Thank you for your support!

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thanks for writing. I hope you are doing well.

    1) The problem is currently that there’s a bug with the animations in Safari. We’ve added a fix with this custom CSS:

    body .nice-animation-start.animated {
       opacity: 1 !important;

    With regards to the footer, I see it in place. do you mean that it’s not there for the home page? Also, I see the menu aligned the same way that is aligned in other browsers.

    2) I can see it’s loading in 1.11s for the home page. Considering that it includes a slider and several sections I guess it’s a pretty good loading time. Have you performed any test?


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