Search loads the entire page in the result box

This support request was posted in Flatbase by lisandrop

Request ID #6372 Resolved
  • Im getting my entire wordpress site loaded into the result box instead of the actual result list im expecting. There is a javascript error after loading, probably does not have to do with the root cause:

    TypeError: jQuery(…).superfish is not a function

    See it live here:
    Just search for anything.

    Hello Lisandro,

    Thank you for writing.

    That looks super strange. Have you installed any plugin?

    Please try re-saving your permalinks instead of using the ‘?page_id=’ parameter.


    Thanks for the answer, I switched to the permalink you suggested.
    Now when IN ENGLISH im getting this javascript error:

    `NetworkError: 404 Not Found –`

    I searched for the word “install”

    The thing is if I have SPANISH selected it loads the whole site in the search result box like before.

    Im starting to think it has something to do with polylang plugin. Although I dont do anything fancy with it, just plain vanilla, out of the box translation on a freshly installed wordpress instance.

    Any clues?

    Ok… so if I set the “Hide URL language information for default language” to true it makes the main screen URL “” and it works fine there.

    The problem is if I have any kind of “sub folder” or added linkage information like /home or /en/home it throughs a 404 error.

    I will leave it for now as it is so you can test it from our site. Try the folowing:

    In SPANISH it works because the URL is plain
    In ENGLISH it does not (404) because the URL is

    (I already tried and the same error occurs).

    Hello Lisandro,

    Thank you for the follow up.

    Would you please try removing the /home/ part of the url for your english site?


    That did the trick, now its working just fine on both languages.

    For future references, anyone that uses polylang with this template should mark:
    “The front page url contains the language code instead of the page name or page id”
    TRUE in the languages settings.


    Hi Lisandro,

    Awesome, I’m happy it is working now.

    Have a nice day,

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