Shortcode Support

This support request was posted in Flatbase by xanderdekker

Request ID #6150 In Progress
  • I’m using the flatbase theme and found out that the shortcode [nicethemes_knowledgebase category=21] only shows the last 5 posts of the subcategories.

    Is there a possibilty to show more articles (or all the articles in that specific category) in stead of just 5?

    Is there a shortcode for showing all the posts/articles in one category?

    It doesn’t have to be a knowledgebase, it’s good if it’s only a display posts shortcode with a listing with the post titles.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thanks for writing.

    The knowledgebase shortcode, when used with the category parameter, works displaying the child categories and its articles. With regards to the amount of posts, have you checked the “Number of articles per category” option within the theme options panel? It is located in the “Home options” section. We’ll review this.

    This code, pasted in your functions.php file will work the same way:

    If you want to show all the articles per category you can use the category template. To check that template (which is automatically generated) you need to go to “Articles > Categories” and step over any of the categories. You’ll see a button labeled “View”. If you click that button you’ll be redirected to the category template.


    Juanfra Aldasoro


    We’ve updated the theme to the version 1.0.3, in which you can use the ‘numberposts’ parameter in the shortcode.


    Hi Juan,

    Thanks for your reply! I will update the theme.
    I want to have a knowledgebase template with more posts than 15 (15 is the maximum according to the Option: Numbers per category)

    Kind regards,


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Xander,

    Thank you for the follow up. Well, for that you can use the code I’ve pasted previously:


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