Slider title and discription iphone

This support request was posted in Paeon by cybrbaer

Request ID #2404 Resolved
  • Q 1: On the slider my title and description does not show on my iPhone, neither landscape or portrait. But it does show for my iPad and workstation.

    Q2: I would like to change the font characteristics of the title and description on the slider how do I do that?

    Hello there,

    Thanks for writing. With regards to your questions:

    1) Yes, we have tried to keep the slider title and description for iPhone, but there wasn’t enough space and made the site look bad. That’s why we decided not to include it.

    2) At the moment, that font is taken from the general font. This means that it can be changed through the options panel, in the typography section. You’ll need to change the “General typography” to the typography you want. Please have in mind that this only changes the font family, if you want to change the family, color and other characteristics, then you should be trying to add some css over the file custom.css or to the Custom CSS option within the theme.

    The classes are:

    .flex-caption h2{} for the title
    .flex-caption p{} for the description.

    Have a nice day,

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