smart theme plugin js error

This support request was posted in Smart by rcmcqueen22

Request ID #35762 In Progress
  • We’re seeing a javascript error here:

    The error is: “Uncaught Error: No layout mode: packery at e.l._mode” within the plugin Addons for Visual Composer.

    Any idea why this is happening? Everything is up to date. Thanks!

    Also, is this were to be fixed is there an out of the box solution to change the filter breadcrumbs for nice portfolio to be dropdowns? Thanks again!

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for writing. I hope you are doing well.

    The problem is in the plugin “Addons for visual composer”, not in the theme.

    Unfortunately, there’s no out of the box solution to change the breadcrumbs of the portfolios.


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