Stripe Plugins Installed Conflict with Theme

This support request was posted in Paeon by spiritgate

Request ID #30556 In Progress
  • I have installed two stripe plugins for payment processing in my website. They are – Simple Pay Pro and wpsimplepay ( But i am having difficulty integration both the plugins. I reached out to the support staff of the plugins and they gave me the following solution –

    “Generally in this case, we recommend the following options:

    1. Reach out to the theme developer and explain the situation. Usually they can resolve the issue or point you in the right direction.
    2. Identify the conflict and edit your theme. If you need a developer suggestion with WordPress expertise we recommend Codeable which is a service for one-off WP tweaks and fixes.

    Note: If your theme is using a visual composer. It is likely that it alters the way the WordPress pages and post are created, then you may very well have issues using it with our plugin or others that use shortcodes.

    Our plugin is written to work with WordPress themes and plugins that follow WordPress best coding standards. Sometimes placing the shortcodes outside of the visual composer in the editor can resolve the issue.

    After looking at your sites source, it appears that you are running a customized theme which is fine, however, it contains elements that are not available in stock WordPress themes which is what we use to test and develop the plugin.

    Please temporarily deactivate it in addition to following the other steps in our troubleshooting guide @

    I need to know if this issue can be resolved by your developers and if yes, in how many days? If the answer is no, then i need to ask for refund from the stripe plugin people.

    Suzanne Clegg

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Suzanne,

    Thank you for writing. I hope you are doing well.

    Would you please describe the conflict that you are having with the plugins?

    Our themes are developed following the WordPress coding standards, so if their plugin does the same then there shouldn’t be any problem. We do not include visual composer integration.

    We’ve taken a look at their article regarding plugin and theme compatibility ( and everything is fine theme-wise.


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