Sub-Menu Alignment

This support request was posted in Netelier by ifssvas

Request ID #826 Resolved
  • Here is my page:

    I had to adjust the header in css to accommodate my new logo.

    In doing that, the menu was not in the correct placement.

    I got the menu in the correct placement, but now the sub-menu and sub-menu text is not correct.

    Can you help me figure out how to correct this?


    Thanks for writing. I’ve been through your site and it seems that the submenus are displaying under the correct menu items. In which browser are you experiencing this issue?


    Please go look now.

    I had to put the menu back in the center position as I wanted and now the drop-downs are off, so you will see what I am talking about now.


    Hello Jerome,

    The problem is that you’ve added a right margin to: #navigation .nav li a

    You should remove that, and if you want to add some right margin, you should add it over the div containing the menu. That would be:

    .nav { margin-right: 110px; }



    That worked beautifully!

    The menu and sub-menus are correct now.

    Thanks so much!


    You can close this ticket.

    It is now solved.

    Thanks again!

    Excellent 🙂

    Have a nice day,

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