Suspicious Code Dangerous and threatening code often used to attack sites

This support request was posted in Flatbase by ingecorp

Request ID #37655 In Progress
  • Good day,

    I have been given a warning by VaultPress in regard to code vulnerabilities.

    You may find details in this screenshot.

    In item N. 2 the code is:

    if ( Kirki_Toolkit::is_parent_theme( __FILE__ ) ) {
    $relative_url = str_replace( Kirki_Toolkit::clean_file_path( get_template_directory() ), ”, $tfbs( $tfbs( __FILE__ ) ) );
    Kirki::$url = trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() . $relative_url );

    elseif ( Kirki_Toolkit::is_child_theme( __FILE__ ) ) {
    $relative_url = str_replace( Kirki_Toolkit::clean_file_path( get_stylesheet_directory() ), ”, $tfbs( $tfbs( __FILE__ ) ) );
    Kirki::$url = trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . $relative_url );

    Is this a problem?

    Thanks for your reply in advance,


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Ignacio,

    Thank you for writing. I hope you are doing well.

    No, that’s not dangerous. Often times, Vaulpress and other security plugins flag problems where they aren’t.


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