Theme Options Panel Very Slow

This support request was posted in Paeon by richpearsonwd

Request ID #2360 Resolved
  • Guys,

    I don’t think it’s me as I have full speed cloud hosting, but the theme panel seems quite slow and laggy for several seconds in safari before it will start working – bug?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Rich,

    Thanks for writing. Would you please explain more about this issue? It only happens in safari?

    I’m pretty sure the Options Panel is working fine and without any lag. I’ve just tested it a few seconds ago.


    Hmmm ok let me test chrome etc, but I have a slow lag and a spinning wheel on accessing the panel ??

    def a safari issue, seems fine in chrome… bit odd will keep an eye on it

    Thanks for the prompt response. We’ll look over Safari.


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