Top Bar Content Doesn't Display

This support request was posted in Smart by xaraboo

Request ID #33848 Resolved
  • Hello!

    In my theme options I’ve turned the header top bar on and while the bar itself displays, the content I’ve placed within does not render in the browser. When I view the source, however, I can see it in the markup. Any ideas why this might be happening?



    Thanks for writing. I hope you are doing well.

    That might be related to the background color you have chosen and the top bar content skin. for example, if you pick a dark background and a light skin (the font color will be dark), then it’s quite likely that you end up not seeing the content. Please try to check that. You can also send me your site URL (In a private reply if you prefer) so I can take a look.


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    Hi Sara,

    Thanks for the follow-up. Unfortunately, there’s not much I can do without checking the site.

    From what I see in the screenshot you have shared with me, I can see that the top bar has a dark skin, so it should be displaying. What happens if you set a font color of #fff to the element you are inspecting? (that would be color: #fff;)


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Sara,

    Thank you for the follow-up.

    That’s great 🙂 – I’m really happy to hear that.

    Have a nice day,

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