Translations – slides + testimonials

This support request was posted in Paeon by abediaz

Request ID #4181 In Progress
  • Hi Juan, I really love the template, nice work. I have 2 questions about the translations:

    1. I’ve translated the theme with PoEdit to portuguese and spanish and everything is working fine (well, almost), but I’m having trouble with the translation in the Slides and the Testimonials sections. ItΒ΄s showing the 3 languages at the same time. I have 4 slides in each language, so it’s showing in the Home page all the 12 slides (english, portuguese and spanish). The same with the Testimonials. Any ideas?

    2. How can I translate the “Welcome message” and the “datepicker” plugin? I’ve seen a reply in the forums about changing the PHP file, but I didn’t understand how to do it. Can you give me any instructions?

    Thanks in advance.

    P.D: I’ve discovered a way to insert a video in the Home page as a request from my client, and with a little css/media query, it’s working like a charm πŸ™‚

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi There,

    Thanks for writing, and for the kind words.

    1. Great, we’ve updated the theme in order to solve the slider problems with translations:

    2. The datepicker plugin should be translatable with the solution we’ve applied on the latest versions.

    With regards to the Welcome Message, the only way would be modifying that text directly from the template. For example, editing the template and putting the text directly from there:

    `< ?php _e( 'The Welcome Message', 'nicethemes' ); ?>`

    Then, you need to update the strings for the translation file with poedit and translate the string there, on each file.


    Hi Juan, thank you for your response.

    Well, some issues solved, others not yet (unfortunately).

    1. Still having problems with the slides and testimonials after the update, still showing every 12 slides. Am I missing something?

    2. PHP and I are NOT best friends… sorry! In which file should I include the code? And where exactly, if I’m not being too much tiresome…

    3. The datepicker is translated: check


    P.D: It’s nice having even more options with the update!!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Abe,

    Thanks for your response.

    1. Would you please send me your site access details and FTP to That way I could have a deeper look.

    2. Please check that in my previous message I’ve pasted a code for you to copy. The problem is that there’s a blank space between < and ?php, if you remove that blank space then you wouldn’t have any problem.

    That code should be placed in the file template-home.php, where the welcome message logic is.

    3. Nice πŸ™‚

    Have a nice day,

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thanks for sharing your details with us. I’ve been through your site and the slides are displaying in Portuguese only. Did you change anything?


    Hi, Juan. Sorry for the delay. The web is showing only the portuguese language because it’s public. I don’t want the clients to see an incomplete version of the web…

    I was trying to change the setup for WPML and I have some results and some good news.

    1. The slides are working perfectly – check. The testimonials, not yet.

    2. Almost every string is translated, except the ones that I include in the Home options. It’s odd because in the WPML plugin I can see they’re translated, including the Welcome Message and the Welcome Message Extended.

    I’m trying to find the answer in the WPML forums, maybe they have a solution.

    Thanks again.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi There,

    Thanks for writing back.

    Great, what’s the name of the testimonials page in your site? I can understand some portuguese but I can’t find it.

    Would you send me your WordPress access details to so I can check your WPML configuration?


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