Warning: Undefined variable $load_flexslider_js

This support request was posted in Paeon by Softdental

Request ID #42442 In Progress
  • Licensor’s Author Username: NiceThemes_com
    Licensee: Minh Nguyen

    For the item:
    Paeon – Medical WordPress Theme
    Item ID: 6010663
    Item Purchase Code: 2d5e7a61-bb6e-4a1c-be18-05231326e548
    Purchase Date: 2014-04-03 23:11:37 UTC

    Problem: the homepage shows the following text on the top header area
    “Warning: Undefined variable $load_flexslider_js in /home/u901056057/domains/softdental.net/public_html/wp-content/themes/paeon/includes/scripts.php on line 151”

    We have not installed or changed any content on the website.

    Please help.

    Thank you
    Minh Nguyen

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