WordPress user login issue

This support request was posted in Smart by atamizio

Request ID #34097 Resolved
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    Hi Ali,

    I hope you are doing well.

    This issue is not theme related. You have created a user with the “Author” role, that’s why when you log in with that credentials you see nothing in the admin.

    You can learn more about WordPress user roles here: http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/wordpress-user-roles-and-permissions/



    When I login with that user nothing shows up. But when I change the theme and try to login as that user, now I see everything an author should see in the back end such as posts, media etc.

    The “Author” role, must be able (at least) write a new post. But I cant even do that. when i click new post from the front end it takes me to an empty screen. Once again when i change the theme i can write posts.

    I’m pretty sure this is theme related. Please try and login with the credentials i have provided. You’ll see for yourself.


    Hello Ali,

    Thanks for the follow-up.

    What happens if you set the WP_DEBUG to true (https://codex.wordpress.org/Debugging_in_WordPress) and you log in? Does it show any message?


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Ali,

    Thanks for the follow-up. We’ll be investigating this issue and including a fix for it in the upcoming version.

    In the meantime, you can fix it by adding the following function to your theme functions.php file: https://gist.github.com/juanfra/365c3873ac36846ed4533c3c08edcb08



    That fixed it. Thanks a lot.

    Hi Ali,

    Thank you for your patience.

    Have a nice day,

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